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Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer Reading

So! Today I am finally moving outta my dorm for the summer and back home. Without school, I should be able to get a lot of summer reading done! I have a few books planned for my summer book list, but does anyone have any recommendations? Here is my list so far:

-Wicked Lovely by
Melissa Mar
-Wings by Aprilynne Pike
-Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Sumner
-If I Stay by Gayle Forman

(I want to pick 20 all together!)

Its not very big so far because I haven't really had the time to expand on it since I had the Psych Maymester (as anyone who knows me on Bookarmy probably already knew). So! I'm up for any kind of recommendation (or even send me links to your reviews). Thanks!



  1. Hmmm.... I know I really like the Dark Secrets book by Elizabeth Chandler. They are short but good. Also, Dreadful Sorry by Kathryn Reiss. All of these are kind of supernatural romances. They are older but worth reading in my opinion.

  2. Older is perfectly fine! I'll check them out and see if their for me. :)

  3. Wicked Lovely is really good. I'm actually planning to read and review the sequel soon. I've noticed that all those titles are faery-related. I'm guessing you like faeries? lol. You might like Tithe by Holly Black.

    and thank you! :) I'm happy that you're reading what I post.

  4. Haha, yes they are all faerie related aren't they? No, I don't particularly like faerie titles, but these books all come recommended and I've been wanting to read them. Just a coincidence I guess? lol.

    Thanks for the recommendation! :3

  5. If you like fairy books then Need by Carrie Jones is really good. I just read it a little while ago and it was amazing. I can't think of any right now but I might be able to later.


Don't hesitate to tell me what you think! I appreciate all types of feedback, so don't be shy! ;)

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