The Tainted Poet's YA Book Review:

A YA book review blog for anything out of the ordinary-- Paranormal, Supernatural, Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Complete with Reviews, Interviews and Contests-- So stay and have a look!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Hello Everyone!

I am currently doing a study abroad program in Italy and (as I'm sure everyone has noticed!) I had to take a small break from blogging. However, come August, I'll be back to blogging as usual! I have read a ton of books that I can't wait to share with everyone.

Thanks everyone for being patient with me and I'll be back soon!



  1. Hi Eli!

    Oh, do enjoy yourself. :) Lovely scenery there to take in. Hope you have a wonderful time. :) And don't worry about us, we'll still be here.

  2. Ooh, how lucky! My friend recently came back from studying abroad in Paris. I hope you have an amazing time! Eats lots of gelatto for me ;)


Don't hesitate to tell me what you think! I appreciate all types of feedback, so don't be shy! ;)

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