The Tainted Poet's YA Book Review:

A YA book review blog for anything out of the ordinary-- Paranormal, Supernatural, Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Complete with Reviews, Interviews and Contests-- So stay and have a look!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm back!

Hello everyone--

I apologize for my long absence on the blogosphere, but I have returned and am excited to start blogging again! Thank you everyone who has continued to follow me throughout my hiatus. If you have any comments about my return, feel free to reply to this post! I'll be posting an update post soon to let everyone know what will be happening here at The Tainted Poet as well as some other new events, so continue to check back!

Thank you and I look forward to blogging once again!

Eli, The Tainted Poet


  1. Danggg girl, you have a lot of followers!! I'm glad to join the crowd. :)

  2. Hi! :) And welcome back! Hope you had a calm and relaxing hiatus. Looking forward to posts again.

  3. Glad you are back! Missed your blog lots D: But if it was for Italy...I understand :) I really want to study abroad too. Maybe next year. Hopefully...

  4. I definitely recommend studying abroad Isa! It is a wonderful experience (that I would LOVE to do again!).

  5. Cool, you've got such a precise focus, it will be interesting to see where you can take this after working on it for so long.

    P.S. Sorry for calling Harry Potter, Twilight, in class. Tots my bad.


Don't hesitate to tell me what you think! I appreciate all types of feedback, so don't be shy! ;)

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