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Friday, September 4, 2009

Signing Report: Richelle Mead

So yesterday, Vania and I took a little trip down to our local Barns & Nobles and attended a signing for Richelle Mead, Author of Vampire Academy. The turnout was fantastic! The line snaked all the way to the entrance of the store, and copies of her book were pretty hard to find towards the end of the night. Even though I have yet to read her Vampire Academy series, I picked up a copy of Blood Promise to get signed.

Richelle did a reading and then a question and answer portion (which I mostly missed because I was in line in the back). Vania actually was able to ask her two questions-- which was pretty cool. Everyone there was really nice (though most of them on the younger side) and she gave some pretty cool answers to her questions (which I was able to hear the second part because I eventually gave up standing in line to join Vania up front).

It was a really long wait afterwards because we had to go to the back of the line (since we gave up our positions to listen to what she was saying) but it was worth it because we were able to have a conversation with her when we got up there. Richelle was really sweet! She signed our books and joked around with us and let us take pictures of her. She really was super great. And she was giving away pens with her name on them! Oh and postcards and tattoos for her Vampire Academy series. Awesome right?

Anyways, it was a pretty great signing, though I was wiped out from standing in line for so long. I actually will be seeing Richelle again this Saturday at the Decatur Book Festival, in which she will be duking it out with Maggie Stiefvater in their Werewolves VS Vampires Panel. Should be fun! I'll be blogging live from their blogger tent an hour before things get in motion, but I'm sure I shall be coming back with a lot of stories!


  1. Sounds great! Author signings are so much fun(:

  2. Oooh, awesome pictures! Why can't cool authors come to my B&N? *pouts* I'd love one of those applique tattoos...

    we should all chat more often on MSN! But I know you've got a life outside this blog (and college! we're college girls now, hah) ;)

  3. Awesome!!! I wish we had cool authors at the B&N near me.

  4. You guys post this just to see me cry dont you!! xD

    One of my favorite series, and I still dont have my copy...*cries herself to sleep*

  5. I'm so jealous! I love the VA series. You should read them. Glad you had a great time!

  6. it was great to meet you at breakfast :)

  7. It was a lot of fun! I can't believe we didn't run into each other! We got out of there pretty fast though. Since we still had a two hour drive home.

    You should definitely read them!


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